Sunday, 8 July 2012

Ice cream Candy

Chocolate Coated mini Ice Creams....STOP IT! Perfect as a birthday treat as they are half candy/half dessert! All different colours they look fun and taste even better...x

P.S. Purchased from the Freezer section in the local Supermarket..

Scooby Snacks!

An interesting take on the famous 'Scooby Snack' ....It comes to life in the form of a lolly! Although it seems it would be slightly more appropriate as a biscuit/snack item, Im not complaining with an addition to the Candy land! Skinny gummy 'Tails', the Scooby Doo Fruit Tails are very cheap at only 40 cents and would make a great hand-bag snack addition. They remind me of the kids lunch box items...'Stringys'. Tasty but not enough in a pack for me....

Cross bones and Butterflies!

New lollies have arrived...but to the shores of New Zealand! Found at a local Supermarket pick in mix there are Skull/Cross bones and Butterflies. Gummy with a 'dull gummy' base these are a right treat and great new addition to the pick n mix family! Alas, pick n mix is not a dying breed on the shores of NZ...!!

Have you seen these around your neck of the woods?